Assessment and Interview Strategy

Assessment and Interview Strategy

Talentloop offers a holistic approach to assessment design that enhances your talent acquisition strategy.
Assessment and Interview Strategy
Talentloop offers a holistic approach to assessment design that enhances your talent acquisition strategy. Our team has direct experience of designing inclusive assessment processes gained whilst working across the private and public sectors as HR professionals.

Design & Development

Talentloop works with you to create an interview and assessment approach that promotes inclusivity, minimises bias, and ensures a level playing field for all candidates, ultimately helping you build a more representative and dynamic workforce.

Assisted Interviews

We can provide an expert D&I panel member to conduct interviews alongside hiring managers for specific vacancies, bringing an unbiased viewpoint to the process, and ensuring consistency of approach, challenging decisions where necessary and coaching other panel members during the sift and interviews.

Competency Frameworks

Our team collaborates with you to craft a tailored competency and behavioural framework that aligns with your organisation's unique needs. This framework serves as a foundation for effective assessment design, performance management and objective setting, ensuring that the skills and qualities you seek in candidates and employees are accurately and inclusively evaluated.
Incorporating these services from Talentloop can empower your organisation to develop a comprehensive and effective recruitment strategy that places inclusion and diversity at the forefront of your recruitment efforts, ultimately leading to a more diverse and dynamic workforce.
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